Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take it Anymore: Auto Crash Survivors Go to Michigan Capitol to Demand Action on Insurance Reform

LANSING, Mich. (Michigan News Source) – Resolute members of We Can’t Wait, a grassroots coalition comprised of 9,000 crash survivors and their families, took their grievances to the Michigan Capitol on Thursday, April 18th to demand a fair hearing from the House of Representatives for Senate Bills 530, 531, and 575.

The bills, passed by the Senate last October, aim to rectify the drastic reduction in catastrophic care coverage by instituting a reasonable fee schedule. Additionally, they seek to address the arbitrary constraints on family-provided attendant care imposed by the 2019 auto insurance reform package.

Read full article: Mad as Hell and Not Going to Take it Anymore: Auto Crash Survivors Go to Michigan Capitol to Demand Action on Insurance Reform [Michigan News Source]