2022 CPI Adjustment is Set to a 5.39% Increase Based On Amounts Payable on January 2019

This “bulletin simply supersedes Bulletin 2021-16-INS – which set forth a 4.11% CPI adjustment for amounts payable as of January 1, 2019 – and replaces it with a 5.39% CPI adjustment for amounts payable as of January 1, 2019. This is good news for medical providers whose reimbursement is governed by and/or subject to MCL 500.3157(7) (i.e., the non-Medicare reimbursement section of the fee schedule).”

Download: Bulletin_2022-03-INS_745966_7

More DIFS bulletins are available at: https://www.michigan.gov/difs/0,5269,7-303-12900_13376—,00.html