Breaking News-Court of Appeals rules in the Andary Case
(Brain Injury Association of Michigan) – The Michigan Court of Appeals earlier today issued their 2-1 majority ruling in the Andary case that the new no-fault limits on reimbursement to health care providers that took effect last year CANNOT BE APPLIED RETROACTIVELY to those injured before the implementation of the 2019 reforms.
After years of stonewalling by legislative leadership, the Court of Appeals has stepped in to rule on the side of fairness, justice and basic human decency.
Although this news represents a significant step forward, the road is still long as the decision will most assuredly be appealed to the Supreme Court and the short- and long-term implications of the ruling are not yet known. We will continue to inform you of any developments as we learn them.
To view the Published Opinion as well as the Published Dissent, please click the link(s) below. If you have questions, please contact the Brain Injury Association of Michigan office at (810) 229-5880.