Debunking the most offensive myth from the insurance industry
This post is the first post of a series contributed by Tom Judd LMSW, Executive Director of the Michigan Brain Injury Provider Council. This first post rebukes the insurance industry’s claim that Michigan auto car crash victims prior to 2019 are still getting care. Please read it and pass it along to others may benefit by it.
In the next series of posts in Diving Deeper with MBIPC, we will debunk the myths surrounding the fee schedule from the insurance industry and counter their misinformation with facts.
There can be little doubt that the insurance industry’s strong political influence (i.e., deep financial pockets) is responsible for much of the auto no-fault “reform” law, and they have done nothing but beat back aggressively against any attempts to make necessary corrections since its passage. In doing so, they have provided little evidence to support their claims while misguiding the public and our policymakers away from the real impacts the law has had on consumers and people catastrophically injured in a car crash through blatant misinformation.
Read full article: Debunking the most offensive myth from the insurance industry [MBIPC]