Tom Constand
As House Speaker Wentworth Turns Back on Brain Injury Survivors, BIAMI Calls on Michiganders to Donate Any Portion of Auto ‘Refund’ Checks to the ANF Survivor Fund
Donations will help qualified survivors be able to afford necessary prescriptions, medical equipment, transportation, and home modifications
BRIGHTON, Mich.—(March 17, 2022)— The Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI) today expressed its disappointment in new legislative developments affecting brain injury survivors, and redoubled its call for Michigan residents who want to show support for some of the state’s most vulnerable to donate to the newly established Auto No Fault (ANF) Survivor Fund.
On Wednesday, House Speaker Jason Wentworth announced that he will not allow a vote on any bills that aim to fix fatal flaws in Michigan’s auto insurance laws, which required a 45% cut in medical payments that care providers can receive for rehabilitating and caring for auto accident survivors. The announcement was made despite broad bipartisan support for legislation to resolve this issue.
Meanwhile, Michigan auto insurance policy holders may begin receiving $400 checks from their auto insurance companies as early as this week. The checks are being distributed out of the Michigan Catastrophic Claims Association (MCCA) fund, which pays for the care of more than 18,000 critically injured Michigan drivers; Michigan drivers pay into the MCCA fund with every auto insurance premium they make. The MCCA surplus is available because of the reduction in care for catastrophic victims.
“With House Speaker Jason Wentworth this week putting an end to the possibility for a legislative fix this calendar year for the care crisis—instead of doing what he has the power to do, which is to put an end to the crisis itself—he has failed in his duty to serve the interests of the people of Michigan,” said BIAMI President and CEO Tom Constand. “While lawmakers like Wentworth are looking the other way, we’ve heard from a growing number of Michiganders who want to step up and do more. These individuals understand where this ‘refund’ came from, and want to return it to those it was intended to help.”
“The need among survivors has never been greater,” Constand said, “and any amount—$5, $10, $15—would help survivors who are in need of the most basic kinds of support be able to get through a day. These funds will provide prescriptions, medical equipment, transportation, and home modification options to survivors, some of whom cannot move or breathe on their own.”
Individuals who meet an established set of criteria will be able to apply for funds through an administrative committee within the Brain Injury Association of Michigan, which is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) social impact organization based in Brighton. That committee will evaluate applications, determine recipients on a quarterly basis, and also work with applicants to ensure they have exhausted all available means of securing financial aid.
Anyone interested in giving to the fund can visit BIAMI’s donation page and type “ANF Survivor Fund” in the box that reads “Please specify if your donation is for something specific.”
About the Brain Injury Association of Michigan
The Brain Injury Association of Michigan (BIAMI) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) social impact organization dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by brain injury while reducing the incidence and impact of brain injury through advocacy, education, and support. Founded in 1981, the Brighton-based BIAMI serves Michigan’s brain injury community through comprehensive educational and support programming, and is a primary conduit between survivors seeking assistance and the extensive network of accredited treatment facilities, programs and professionals in Michigan. The BIAMI also supports 20 statewide chapters and support groups that meet monthly.